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66% of Americans say AI could replace them in jobs; finance, business most vulnerable

Voltaire Staff

A major segment of the active workforce of United States admits that though Artificial Intelligence has potential benefits, it could replace them in their jobs, a recent survey has revealed.

The survey conducted by Spokeo was carried out with 1,027 people with active jobs to gather their perspectives on the role of AI in the workplace.

Nearly three-fourth of those surveyed admitted being worried about how AI might affect their industry, while 66.6 per cent expressed fear that AI could replace them in their jobs.

The apprehension was common across genders and age groups. Notably, women demonstrated a slightly lower level of concern compared to their male counterparts regarding the adverse effects of AI on their industries.

Spokeo CEO Harrison Tang said, "After a year of headlines about AI taking over the world, it’s no surprise that 2 in 3 now think that AI could do their job, we never would have dreamed of how impactful ChatGPT would be on the world."

The youngest and oldest age groups in the study were the least and most worried about how AI might affect their industry. While 66 per cent of 18-24 year old expressed concern, the portion rose to 80.8 per cent among those over 65.

Impact of AI on future salaries worried people the most, with 34.4 per cent respondents expressing concerns losing a crucial part of their future earning to the technology, which may end up doing the most of heavy lifting.


The sectors perceived as most likely to face negative consequences from AI were financial activities and insurance (41.4 per cent), professional and business services (40.2 per cent), and leisure and hospitality (38.4 per cent).


On a brighter side, a substantial 78.1 per cent of Americans believe that AI has the potential to alleviate the stress associated with their jobs.

Additionally, an overwhelming majority, constituting 79.1 per cent of respondents, expressed the opinion that employers should provide training for the integration of ChatGPT and AI tools within their professional roles suggesting a collective eagerness to stay abreast of technological advancements.

The sectors anticipated by survey participants to experience the most significant positive effects from AI are Technology (51.3 per cent), Agriculture (50.6 per cent), and Manufacturing (46.8 per cent).

A substantial 62.8 per cent of respondents indicated they would support the integration of AI if it maintained their current income and reduced the number of working days in a week.

Tang said, "While AI sounds omniscient, we should have confidence in humanity’s ability to adapt, which we’ve done through millions of years of evolution." He added, "AI is simply a tool that we can use and control for good.  AI will not replace humans, but it will replace those who don’t embrace it."



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