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  • Darshan Pareek

We may be just few years away from cancer vaccine

The world may just be on the cusp of getting a cancer vaccine, with a US-based biotechnology firm making strong strides towards it, having secured the FDA backing for a third phase trial.

Dr Thomas Wagner, the founder of Orbis Health Solutions, is at the forefront of developing a revolutionary cancer treatment that harnesses the immunity system's potency while minimizing the harsh side effects associated with traditional therapies like chemotherapy.

Conventional cancer treatments, notably chemotherapy, often result in collateral damage to healthy cells, causing distressing side effects such as hair loss, nausea, and weakened immune systems.

According to ABC news, the Food and Drug Administration has granted approval for a Phase 3 clinical trial, a three-year endeavour aiming to enroll 500 participants and scheduled to launch this year.

Wagner's solution is the tumor lysate particle only (TLPO) vaccine, a personalised treatment that utilizes a person's own tumor cells to stimulate a robust immune response.

The TLPO vaccine introduces specific components of tumor cells back into the body, empowering the immune system to recognise and combat cancer cells, simulating a response akin to infectious agents.

The phase 2 clinical trials for advanced melanoma showcased promising results, with nearly 95 per cent of patients still alive three years into treatment and 64 per cent remaining disease-free, ABC News reported.

Despite the promising prospects, the planned $100 million phase 3 clinical trial poses financial challenges for smaller companies like Orbis Health Solutions.

To navigate financial boundaries, Wagner has initiated a basket trial, allowing the TLPO vaccine's testing in individuals with solid tumors who meet specific criteria. Participants in the basket trial, including individuals with ovarian, brain, lung, and breast cancer, report minimal side effects and positive experiences.

A basket trial is a type of clinical trial design that evaluates the effectiveness of a particular treatment or intervention in multiple groups of patients, each with a different type of cancer or a specific genomic alteration.

Unlike traditional clinical trials that focus on a single type of cancer, basket trials aim to assess the treatment's efficacy across various cancer types or subtypes that share a common molecular or genetic characteristic.


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